2024 HVAC Catalog


• Complete Table F1 or F2 of the “HVAC Incentive Catalog Supplemental Data Sheet” depending on the appropriate measure below. • For the “Area Served Type” column, enter a short descriptor of the space type, such as office, retail, school classrooms, gym, etc. • For the “New Min Outside Air Flow” column, enter CFM of occupant portion of the minimum outside air reduced when not in economizer mode, not total CFM provided by the AHU or RTU. At a minimum, the occupant portion of the outside airflow should be set to the average number of occupants in the zones served by the AHU/RTU multiplied by 7.5 CFM per occupant (current code minimum). See Chapter SPS 364, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning at https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/sps/safety_and_buildings_and_environment/361_366/364 . • For the “Economizer” column, enter “DB” for dry bulb or “Enthalpy.” • For the “AHU Controls” column, enter “No Setback,” “EMS” for energy management system, or “T-Stat” for programmable thermostat. • For air handling unit (AHU) and rooftop units (RTU), DCV controls must measure CO 2 levels in the conditioned space and provide the “code” required “minimum” level of outside air (actual occupant portion) without over-ventilating. Sensors should be wall-mounted at an appropriate height within the space. Sensors may be installed in return air ductwork only if space mounting is not possible and the return duct serves a single zone. • Spaces controlled by DCV must be heated with natural gas or electricity from a participating utility, but are not required to be air conditioned. DCV installations required by code are not eligible. • DCV for AHU measure is intended for central air handling units which have multiple individually controlled spaces and will require a CO 2 sensor in each occupied zone served by the AHU. Unit ventilators may be eligible for the multiple zone incentive (MMID 2853) as long as all other requirements are met, including a functioning economizer. • Single zone RTUs must apply using the DCV for Single Zone RTU measure (H3266) and are not eligible under the DCV for AHU measure (H2853). • All installations must comply with code requirements for ventilation. • DCV installations are expected to provide additional ventilation air when sensing high CO 2 levels during occupied modes of operation (including heating, cooling, and ventilation only modes). • If system is custom-built using a CO 2 sensor and the buildings existing automation system, provide a copy of the control sequence that was programmed into the building automation system. • For new construction, not eligible for incentives where required by state code.

CO 2





DCV for Multiple Zone RTU/AHU/Unit Ventilator



CFM Reduced

DCV for Single Zone RTU/AHU




* Supplemental Data Sheet needed. Incentive amount is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor (internal labor eligible for schools and government customers). NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit DCV for AHU N-H2853* $0.20 CFM Reduced

DCV for Single Zone RTU/AHU




* Supplemental Data Sheet needed. ). Incentive amount is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor (internal labor eligible for schools and government customers).

PRO TIPS Spaces with large variations in occupancy are

great candidates for DCV. Controls allow the HVAC system to determine the proper level of ventilation without creating unnecessary heating and cooling loads.

CO 2 sensors with a 2% accuracy rating are recommended for long term reliability while preheating and humidifying during the heating season.


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