ELECTRONICALLY COMMUTATED MOTOR (ECM) HVAC FAN MOTORS Requirements: • This incentive is for the installation of an electronically commutated motor (ECM) ≤1 HP on air handling equipment such as exhaust fans, fan coil units, fan powered VAV boxes, unit heaters, and cabinet heaters. • Furnaces with ECM and single package vertical units with ECM are eligible if instant discount has not already been provided. • Choose the measure code from the table below depending on when the fan operates: “heating only” for equipment that only runs during the heating season, “cooling only” for equipment that only runs during the cooling season, “occupied ventilation” for equipment that runs during the heating and cooling season or for scheduled exhaust fans, and “24/7 ventilation” for fans that run continuously. • New motors may be an upgrade or replace either shaded pole or permanent split capacitor motors. Replacement of an existing ECM does not qualify. • A manufacturer specification sheet that includes motor HP must be provided. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit HVAC Fan with ECM, Heating Only H3910 $30 Motor
HVAC Fan with ECM, Cooling Only
HVAC Fan with ECM, Occupied Ventilation
HVAC Fan with ECM, 24/7 Ventilation
SMART SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTORS FOR HVAC SUPPLY FANS Requirements: • Motor must be a high rotor switched reluctance motor with software controls that provide variable speed capability.
• Incentive is per HP of the new motor. • New motors limited to motors ≤20 HP. • Must be used as a supply fan motor in a rooftop unit or air handling unit. • Must replace an induction motor used on a single speed / constant flow supply fan. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description
Smart Switched Reluctance Motor, HVAC Supply Fan
CUSTOM PROJECT IDEA Talk to your Energy Advisor about custom incentives that may be available for reducing energy waste by reducing outside air to meet minimum requirements for actual number of occupants.
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