2024 HVAC Catalog

AIR CONDITIONING (A/C) SPLIT, PACKAGED, AND AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS ≥ 5.42 TONS Requirements: • Complete Table B1 of the “HVAC Incentive Catalog Supplemental Data Sheet” for DX Cooling measures and Tables B1 and B2 for Air Source Heat Pump measures. • For the “Part Load Eff. To Qualify” column, use the IEER value listed in the Measure Description below. Example: for a 7.50 ton DX Cooling unit, the “Part Load Eff. To Qualify” would be 16.1 IEER. • For the “Delta Efficiency” column, use “AHRI Rated Part Load Efficiency – Part Load Eff. To Qualify.”

• For the “Incentive Rate” column, use “Additional Incentive + Base Incentive.” • For the “Total Incentive” column, use “AHRI Rated Capacity x Incentive Rate.” • Only complete one line of supplemental data sheet if multiple of the exact same model number were installed. • Provide capacity and performance values to two decimal places. • Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems may be eligible if performance requirements are met.

• For assistance with determining equipment eligibility and incentive rate, look for the Cooling Eligibility Screening Tool at focusonenergy.com/catalogs . • Incentives are for standard HVAC applications only. Rooftop units, split system air conditioners, and air source heat pumps used for industrial process cooling, data centers, ice rinks, and refrigerated warehouses may qualify for a custom incentive. • Rated AHRI efficiency must meet or exceed minimum ratings shown for EER (if applicable) and IEER. AHRI-verified cooling capacity and IEER will be used to calculate the incentive. • Equipment > 63.33 tons is not listed in ahridirectory.org . For this equipment, provide a manufacturer performance that indicates ratings are “at AHRI conditions.” • For multiple of the exact same model number, complete the Incentive Application as follows: enter qty @ tons each in the # of Units column (example: 3 @ 11.50). • For split systems: • Performance data must be for the “Matched Air Handler” or “Complete System” that includes the condensing unit, evaporator coil, and supply fan. If this data is not available in ahridirectory.org, the manufacturer or Trade Ally must provide modeled or calculated performance data at AHRI conditions for the “complete system,” including expected capacity, IEER and EER (if applicable), to be eligible for this measure. • “Condensing Unit Only” performance data is not acceptable to qualify for this incentive. If only the condensing unit is replaced or the “condensing

unit only” performance data is all that is available, use Split System Air Conditioning - Condensing Unit Only incentive (H3909). • Both the condenser and evaporator coils must be replaced. Refrigerant line diameters must meet manufacturer specifications. • Must include evaporator coil model number. • Air Source Heat Pump Systems must be installed as a “Complete System.” Contact Energy Advisor for partial system installation. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive


$25/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min. $25/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min. $25/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min. $25/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min. $35/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min. $35/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min $35/ton + $5/ ton per 1.0 IEER over min

DX Cooling ≥5.42 to <11.25 tons, Min. Eff. = 16.1 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



DX Cooling ≥11.25 to <20.00 tons, Min. Eff. = 15.4 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



DX Cooling ≥20.00 to <63.33 tons, Min. Eff. = 14.3 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



DX Cooling ≥63.33 tons, Min. Eff. = 9.7 EER and 11.4 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



Air Source Heat Pump ≥5.42 to <11.25 tons, Min. Eff. = 15.1 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



Air Source Heat Pump ≥11.25 to <20.00 tons, Min. Eff. = 14.5 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



Air Source Heat Pump ≥20.00 to <63.33 tons, Min. Eff. = 13.5 IEER (additional incentive on IEER)



* Supplemental Data Sheet needed


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