BOILER COMBUSTION UPGRADES Requirements: • Boiler must be natural gas-fired, forced-draft boiler used for space heating that operates a minimum of 4,000 hours per year. • Installation on redundant or backup boilers does not qualify for an incentive. • Boiler input capacity must be entered in boiler horsepower (BHP). To convert, use 1 BHP = 33.476 MBh. High turndown burner must be able to provide efficient combustion at a 10:1 turndown ratio or greater. The turndown ratio must be clearly shown on a manufacturer’s spec sheet or similar documentation. • High turndown burner incentives (H2203 and H5237) are eligible on boilers ≤ 1,000 BHP. Boilers > 1,000 BHP may be eligible for custom incentives. • Invoices must be attached and include the manufacturer name and model number of linkageless controls, O 2 trim, and high turndown burner equipment. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit Linkageless Controls H2205 $18 BHP
O 2 Trim Controls
High Turndown Burner, Retrofit on Existing Boiler
High Turndown Burner, New Boiler Replacement BHP Incentive amount is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor (internal labor eligible for schools and government customers). NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit High Turndown Burner, New Construction N-H5237 $12 BHP Incentive amount is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor (internal labor eligible for schools and government customers). H5237 $12
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