2024 Lighting Catalog


FIXTURE OR RETROFIT KIT UPGRADE Requirements: • All Comprehensive Lighting Solutions (CLS) projects must be pre-approved. Call 800.762.7077 or contact your Energy Advisor before you start your project. Pre-approval is considered complete once an incentive agreement is signed by the customer and returned to Focus on Energy. • Documentation required for pre-approval: • Proposal detailing existing and proposed fixture type(s), quantities, and model numbers with options. • Existing and proposed footcandles (either measured or calculated) at working surface for space type representing the most square footage. • Completed CLS workbook . Download a copy at focusonenergy.com/catalogs . • New fixtures/retrofit kits must be ENERGY STAR® certified or DLC SSL QPL listed (TRT V5.0 or higher). • New Equipment wattage should reference the DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) Solid State Lighting (SSL) Qualified Product List (QPL) listed (TRT V5.0 or higher) performance data (Reported or Tested), ENERGY STAR® certificate rated wattage, or specification sheet wattage for the installed model. • All installations are expected to meet current IESNA recommendations for delivered light level and uniformity. Compliance is the responsibility of the installer/designer. • Customers can apply for either a fixture or retrofit kit upgrade (L5029 on this page) or upgrade with connected controls (see L5031 on page 28). Specific fixtures may apply for only one option, but both measures can be used on a project if some fixtures have NLC controls and some don't. • 1-for-1 fixture/retrofit kit replacements are NOT eligible. Lamp only upgrades (such as TLEDs) are NOT eligible. • No changes to existing control strategies (i.e., if existing lighting design had occupancy sensors, then new lighting system must include occupancy sensors).


• Lighting system must operate a minimum of 2,000 hours annually to be eligible. • Only interior lighting is eligible (including underground parking structures).

• Facilities with large, open space (such as open-plan office space, convention center, warehouse, or manufacturing floor) containing primarily 1-for-1 upgrades with a small percentage of the fixtures being re-configured (not 1-for-1), consult your energy advisor for guidance on setting up the CLS workbook. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit CLS – Fixture or Retrofit Kit Only L5029 $0.25 Watt Reduced Incentive amount is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor (internal labor eligible for schools and government customers).


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