2024 Agribusiness Catalog

COMPRESSED AIR AND VACUUM SYSTEM HEAT RECOVERY Requirements: • Heat recovery system must include automatic controls to switch from winter to summer operation. Systems with only manual damper controls are not eligible. • Heat recovery systems installed for backup or redundant air compressors or vacuum pumps do not qualify. • The project must result in an estimated net reduction of BTUs consumed in the facility to be eligible. • This incentive is for the installation of a new heat recovery system where one did not exist previously. Replacing an existing heat recovery system or upgrading an existing heat recovery system from manual to automatic controls does not qualify. • The static pressure in the area where the compressor or vacuum pump is enclosed must remain the same. • If outside air is used in the system, antifreeze protection must be considered. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit Compressed Air Heat Recovery PS2257 $60 HP

Vacuum Pump Heat Recovery




Incentive is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor. NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description




Compressed Air Heat Recovery




Vacuum Pump Heat Recovery




Incentive is limited to 50% of the project cost, including equipment and external labor.


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