2024 Agribusiness Catalog


For additional compressed air incentive opportunities not shown below, see the Focus on Energy Process Systems Incentive Catalog at focusonenergy.com/catalogs.

VSD AIR COMPRESSORS Requirements: • Complete Table E1 and E2 of the "Agribusiness Incentive Catalog Supplemental Data Sheet" for this measure.

• List all existing compressors on the Supplemental Data Sheet, including compressors that will not be modified as part of the project. • Existing compressors being replaced by the VSD compressor should indicate “Removed” or “Emergency Back-Up” for “Use After.”

• Existing compressors needed to meet the per-shift airflow requirements that will continue being used should indicate “Remain in Operation” for “Use After.” • Submit manufacturer specification sheets and/or a CAGI sheet at anticipated operating pressure for items installed. If available, submission of specification sheets for the removed compressor will expedite processing of your application. • Must be variable speed rotary vane compressor or variable speed screw compressor and operate a minimum of 2,000 hours annually to be eligible.

• Air compressors purchased or installed for backup or redundant systems do not qualify. • This is for new VSD compressors only; adding a VSD to an existing compressor does not qualify.

• Replacing an old VSD compressor with a new (same size) VSD compressor does not qualify. However, replacement of an old VSD compressor with a new, larger VSD compressor is eligible for the increase in hp over the old compressor. For example, if a 50 hp VSD compressor is replaced with a 75 hp VSD compressor, the 25 hp increase in capacity would be eligible for incentives. • Limited to one VSD compressor per compressed air system. Any exceptions, such as compressed air systems with large load variations requiring multiple VSD trim compressors or adding compressor capacity due to increased compressed air demand, require pre-approval. Call 800.762.7077 or contact your energy advisor before you start your project. • Replaced equipment must be removed. If an old compressor replaced by a VSD compressor remains connected as emergency backup, by signing the application, the customer is attesting that the old compressor will be used only in case of emergency and will rarely (if ever) operate EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit VSD Compressor replacing Non-VSD Compressor PS2196* $50 HP * Supplemental Data Sheet needed NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit VSD Compressor replacing Non-VSD Compressor N-PS2196* $50 HP * Supplemental Data Sheet needed NO AIR-LOSS CONDENSATE DRAINS Requirements: • Must be used in systems with load/no-load, variable speed, variable displacement, or centrifugal compressors. • Load/no-load system must have adequate storage for drains to be eligible. • Manual drains, lever-operated mechanical drains, or solenoid drains are not eligible for incentives. • The replacement drain must be “no air-loss,” meaning it must continuously measure the presence of condensate, purge it only when necessary, and only long enough to prevent the unintentional purging of compressed air. • If no air-loss condensate drain is integral to another piece of equipment (i.e., is part of the air compressor, air dryer, mist eliminator, etc.), provide a manufacturer’s specification sheet to confirm. • Replacement of existing no air-loss condensate drains do not qualify. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES AND RETROFITS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit No Air-Loss Condensate Drain PS2254 $100 Drain NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit No Air-Loss Condensate Drain N-PS2254 $100 Drain



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