2024 Agribusiness Catalog

INTERIOR NEW CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING POWER DENSITY (LPD) REDUCTION Incentives are available for new construction and major renovations where Lighting Power Density (LPD) thresholds would apply. Projects participating in this offering are NOT eligible for individual interior lighting measures. Requirements: • Complete Table C of the "Agribusiness Incentive Catalog Supplemental Data Sheet" for this measure. • For "Square Footage," enter total square footage of interior space being illuminated. • For "Hours of Use (HOU)," use default hours = 3,968. • For "Baseline W/ft 2 ," enter Baseline Lighting Power Density (LPD) value from table below based on building description type. • For "New System Wattage", enter total wattage for interior lighting solution as defined in IECC 2015. • The "New System W/ft 2 " is: "New System Wattage" / "Square Footage." • The "W/ft 2 Reduced" is: "Baseline W/ft 2 " - "New System W/ft 2 ." • The "kWh Reduced" is: ("Square Footage" x "HOU" x "W/ft 2 Reduced") / 1000. • The "Incentive Rate" is: $0.04/kWh Reduced. • The "Requested Incentive" is: "kWh Reduced" x "Incentive Rate." • Incentives are based on Lighting Power Density (LPD) Baseline values provided in the table below (sources cited). • Lighting levels should meet the recommendations stated on page 6 in Focus on Energy's Energy Efficiency Best Practices Guide: Agriculture. • If your Building Type Baseline LPD is not listed in the LPD table below, contact an Energy Advisor for assistance. • Upon project completion, the following must be included in addition to standard application requirements: • Documentation to verify square footage as-built (COMcheck or professional floorplan with dimensions). • Documentation to verify total connected wattage as-built (COMcheck or professional lighting layout indicating where fixtures are installed PLUS fixture cut sheets for all installed fixtures). NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS Measure Description Code Incentive Unit Lighting Power Density (LPD) better than code requirements N-L4948 $0.04 kWh Reduced



Non-Dairy Livestock Housing, Holding Area, Machine Storage

0.21 1

Free Stall, Tie Stall Feed Alley, Milking Parlor, Milk Room, General Animal Care Area, Utility Room, Loading and Storage Areas, Restroom Operator’s Pit (at udder), Office Area at Desk Top, Farm Shop/Repair Area

0.5 2

0.82 3

Manual Wash Sink, Treatment, or Surgery Area

1.19 4

1 Based on IECC 2015 LPD for Parking Garages. Table C405.4.2 (1) (Interior LightingPower Allowances: Building Area Method) 2 Based on Historical Focus on Energy Agricultural Lighting projects, 1.3M ft 2 in 2017. 3 Based on IECC 2015 LPD for Offices. Table C405.4.2 (1) (Interior Lighting Power Allowances: Building Area Method) 4 Based on IECC 2015 LPD for Workshops. Table C405.4.2 (1) (Interior Lighting Power Allowances: Building Area Method)

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