2024 Commercial Refrigeration Catalog


Acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms used throughout this catalog are defined below. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS


DesignLights Consortium® Department of Energy Electronically commutated motor


Light emitting diode Permanent split capacitor Qualified Product List



Shaded pole


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Solid State Lighting


Department of Energy (DOE) requirements Commercial refrigeration equipment manufactured and distributed in commerce must meet the energy conservation standard specified in the Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 431.66. The specifics of this ruling can be found at: https://www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_ standards/product.aspx/productid/52#recentupdates DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) The DLC is a project of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), a regional non-profit, whose mission is to serve the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions to accelerate energy efficiency in the building sector through public policy, program strategies, and education. Visit designlights.org Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) A motor that uses a permanent magnet design to generate a rotating magnetic field. The rotating magnetic field causes the axle to rotate, spinning the fan. These motors are also referred to as brushless DC motors or Solid State Commutator (SSC) motors. Frame The structure of the door enclosing the glass. Does not include the mullion/rail. For reference, see the illustration below. Light Emitting Diode (LED) A semiconductor diode (electronic components that let electricity pass in only one direction) that emit visible light when electricity is applied and is used in lamps and digital displays. LED is available in a wide variety of colors and

lighting fixture types and typically has a much longer-rated life than traditional lighting technologies. Low-Heat Doors A door with anti-condensate heaters with a wattage less than 63 watts per cooler door and less than 133 watts per freezer door. No-Heat Doors A door with anti-condensate heaters with a wattage less than 52 watts per cooler door and less than 54 watts per The vertical element between the doors which is attached to the case to provide support and a location for the door to be installed on the case. This is also referred to as a mullion. For reference, see the illustration to the right. Primary Job Site Use The primary function occurring at a job site. May be different than business type. For example, • Business type: manufacturing • Primary job site type: fabricated metal products, food, freezer door. Rail (Mullion) or computer and electronic components • Business type: education, public k-12 • Primary job site type: office • Business type: government, municipal/county • Primary job site type: wastewater treatment RAIL/MULLION FRAME GLASS

Terms defined in the Glossary were referenced from the following sources: focusonenergy.com energy.ca.gov/glossary/acronyms.html eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/product.aspx/productid/52v 2010 ASHRAE Handbook SOURCES


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