2024 Utility Partner Guidebook

New Construction Focus on Energy provides technical and customer support for new construction projects, regardless of the stage in the design and construction process. Qualifying new construction projects include: • Site preparation, design, and construction of new facilities. • Major renovation (buildings undergoing a change-of-

use or adding walls as part of a renovation). • Additions that are significant extensions to existing facilities.

Opportunities for business customers are available through Energy Design Assistance, Energy Design Review, and Product/Equipment incentives.

New Construction Online Tool Business owners should use the New Construction online application at

for Wisconsin in 2022.* focusonenergy.com/newconstruction as early in the design process as possible. A Focus on Energy representative will contact them to discuss their project to determine which path is best and guide them through the steps to maximize energy savings and financial opportunities. 360 million kWh Business Solutions saved nearly



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