Before you start your project, please make sure you are familiar with participation requirements, program information, and Terms and Conditions.
INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS General Terms and Conditions Review the Focus on Energy Terms and Conditions at or call 800.762.7077 to request a copy. Incentive Limits Incentives are limited to $300,000 per project and $400,000 per customer per calendar year for all Focus on Energy incentives (prescriptive and custom). Depending on your business tax classification, you may receive IRS form 1099 for incentives received in a calendar year. Trade Ally Information A Trade Ally represents the company who provided/installed the equipment for a project or performed the service for which a customer is seeking an incentive. Trade Allies who have signed an agreement with Focus on Energy are allowed to enjoy certain program benefits, one of which is to receive direct payment of incentives at the Trade Ally’s request. Incentives can only be paid directly to a registered Trade Ally who has a W-9 on file with Focus on Energy. For more information on becoming a registered Trade Ally, visit . The Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and Business Classification of the Trade Ally is required IF you received your incentive as a credit on your invoice, whereby the incentive is paid directly to the Trade Ally. In this scenario, the credit must be clearly labeled as the Focus on Energy incentive and deducted from the Trade Ally’s invoice to the Focus on Energy customer.
If your project was completed by more than one Trade Ally (example, equipment was purchased from one Trade Ally but installed by another Trade Ally) and the incentive is being paid to you the customer, enter the information of the Trade Ally who installed your equipment in Section 4: Trade Ally Information. If the equipment was self-installed, enter the information of the Trade Ally from whom you purchased the equipment. Assignment of Incentives to Other Payee The Customer for the project site listed on the application may assign their right to participate and receive incentives to Other Payee. The Customer must sign Section 9 and identify the Other Payee in Section 5. Eligible Project Costs Eligible project costs generally include all purchased or contracted equipment, materials, and labor required for installation and startup of the proposed energy efficiency project. Costs associated with a customer’s use of their internal labor, or previously owned equipment or materials obtained from a customer’s inventory, are not eligible.
ABOUT FOCUS ON ENERGY Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources, and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not get completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment, and control the state’s growing demand for electricity and natural gas.
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