2024 Multifamily Program Custom Incentive Guide



Use this guide to help you move through the custom incentive process. To be put in contact with an Energy Advisor, call 800.762.7077 for assistance.

UNDERSTANDING CUSTOM INCENTIVES Custom incentives are for energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades not found in the FOCUS ON ENERGY® Incentive Catalogs. These incentives are for nonstandard technologies or for projects that do not include a 1-for-1 replacement. Custom incentive amounts are determined by the estimated first-year energy savings when completing energy efficiency or renewable energy upgrades to equipment or processes. Custom projects must involve measures that result in a permanent reduction in electric and/or natural gas energy usage due to an improvement in system efficiency. Projects resulting in reduced energy consumption without an improvement in system efficiency (e.g., manually turning equipment off) are not eligible for a custom incentive. However, projects involving the installation or addition of an automated control technology, such as an energy management system, may be eligible for an incentive. The custom incentive rates found in this guide are eligible for projects requesting pre-approval between January 1 and December 31, 2025. Custom incentive rates are locked-in upon pre-approval of a proposed project.

RENEWABLE ENERGY Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems may qualify for prescriptive renewable incentives. Visit focusonenergy.com/solar for more information on Solar PV incentives.



Pre-approval is required prior to ordering equipment, issuing purchase orders, or contracting labor. Projects initiated prior to pre-approval are ineligible for incentives. Notify your Energy Advisor as soon as possible if an expedited pre-approval is needed or if there is a time constraint for ordering equipment. Pre-approval is signified by issuance of an Incentive Agreement. Incentive pre-approval is contingent upon receipt of energy savings calculations, project costs, and documentation of how Focus on Energy influenced the project. The method and assumptions used by the applicant to calculate the annual energy savings will be reviewed by Focus on Energy as part of the pre-approval process. Focus on Energy is solely responsible for the final determination of the annual energy savings to be used in calculating the incentive amount. step 1 BEFORE APPLYING Incentive Rates Energy Efficiency (1-10 year payback) Incentive Limit per Project

$300 per peak kW reduced.*

 Contact your Focus on Energy Advisor. If you do not know who your Energy Advisor is, visit focusonenergy.com/EA-map or call 800.762.7077 for assistance. step 2 WHAT YOU WILL NEED  Custom Project Information Form, found on pages 5-6 of this guide. All sections of this form must be completed. This form provides Focus on Energy with important background information to help us get started on your project.  Detailed scope of work including: • Existing equipment and relevant details (e.g., equipment manufacturer and model number, operating hours, etc.). • Proposed equipment and relevant details (e.g., equipment manufacturer and model number, operating hours, etc.).  Proposal for qualifying upgrades, including: • Total project costs, including itemized materials/equipment, labor/installation, and commissioning, if needed.  Manufacturer specification sheets for proposed equipment.  Historical utility data: • Work with your Energy Advisor to determine if historical utility data is needed to determine energy cost savings and project payback. A utility release form may be required. step 3 UNDERSTAND INCENTIVE RATES AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Custom incentives are based on estimated first-year energy savings achieved from an energy efficiency upgrade. The calculated savings are multiplied by the incentive structure noted in the Incentive Rates table and are limited based on the incentive type: energy efficiency (1-10 year payback), low payback (less than 1 year payback), or renewable energy (1-20 year payback).

The lesser of $300,000, 50% of project cost, or capped at a one-year payback.

$0.15 per kWh saved. $2.50 per therm saved. Low Payback (less than 1 year payback)

Incentive Limit per Project

$0.02 per kWh saved.

The lesser of $20,000 or 100% of project cost, or the lesser of $200,000 or 50% of project cost

$0.20 per therm saved. Renewable Energy (1-20 year payback) $125 per peak kW reduced or generated.*

Incentive Limit per Project

The lesser of $300,000, 50% of project cost, or capped at a one-year payback.

$0.10 per kWh saved or generated. $1.25 per therm saved or generated.

*Peak kW reduction is determined by the average kW load reduction or generation occurring between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays during June, July, August, and September.

Custom Incentive Requirements  Energy efficiency and renewable energy incentives will not be provided for projects with a simple payback of less than one year based on energy savings. Projects with a simple payback less than one year may be eligible for a low payback incentive.  Energy efficiency incentives are limited to projects with a maximum simple payback of 10 years based on energy savings. Renewable energy incentives are limited to projects with a maximum payback of 20 years based on energy savings.  Custom incentives cannot exceed the per project incentive limits shown in the Incentive Rates table above. The maximum total for all incentives a customer may receive per calendar year is $400,000.  Project cost is defined as the sum of material and/or installation costs associated with the project.  Incentives are eligible for new (not used or refurbished) equipment only. Maintenance projects are not eligible.  Equipment purchased prior to pre-approval is not eligible for custom incentive. New Construction Eligible  Working on a new construction project? Use the New Construction Online Tool to get started at focusonenergync.com .




step 5 COMPLETE YOUR CUSTOM PROJECT  Complete the project by the Project Completion Deadline as indicated on the IA. • An extension can be requested by contacting your Energy Advisor in writing (email is preferred) and providing an updated final completion date and proof the project is moving forward (e.g., a PO or an invoice). Extensions are at the discretion of Focus on Energy. • Contact your Energy Advisor as soon as possible if the scope of work for the project changes during the course of design or installation to determine if the change will impact the savings and incentive for your project.  Once the project is completed, alert your Energy Advisor who will confirm project status and then issue you a Project Completion Notice (PCN). The project is considered complete when the installed system is generating energy savings consistent with the proposed scope of work.  Provide the following documentation to your Energy Advisor: • Detailed final invoice(s) including: • Quantities installed. • Manufacturer and model numbers. • Itemized project cost. • Customer name and installation address. • Trade Ally’s name, if applicable. • Completed PCN with customer signature. • Please note if the scope of the original project has changed.

 Incentive pre-approval is contingent upon receipt of energy savings calculations, project costs, and documentation of how Focus on Energy influenced the project.  Timeline for a project to receive pre-approval depends on several factors including the amount of time it takes for an Energy Advisor to receive required documentation, the complexity of the project, and the amount of the incentive.  Once a project is pre-approved, the Energy Advisor will issue an Incentive Agreement (IA) to the customer for their signature. • Once an IA is issued, incentive funding is reserved for your project. • Customers have 65 days from pre-approval to sign and return the IA, indicating their intent to move forward with the project.  Upon Focus on Energy’s acknowledgment of receipt of the signed IA, the customer can proceed with the equipment order and installation.

Scope changes may result in an incentive adjustment. Custom incentives cannot exceed the originally pre- approved incentive amount.

 A site visit by the Energy Advisor for installation verification may be required prior to incentive payment.  Completion paperwork will be reviewed for final qualification, and the incentive check will be issued within 6-10 weeks after receipt of all documentation.



section 1 ACCOUNT AND CUSTOMER INFORMATION Tax Identification Number (Check one) q FEIN or q SSN If you use a Social Security Number (SSN) as your Tax Identification Number, do not provide it below . You will be contacted by the Program via email to provide a copy of your W-9 using a secure online portal, if it is not already on file. You must list an email address in Section 3. _______________________________________________________ FEIN TAX CLASSIFICATION OF CUSTOMER (Check one. Required for all businesses, including nonprofits.) q Sole Proprietorship q Individual q Single-Member LLC q C Corporation q S Corporation q Partnership q LLC - C Corp q LLC - S Corp q LLC - Partnership q Other_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ OWNER NAME (REQUIRED IF SSN IS USED AS TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) _______________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME _______________________________________________________ LEGAL ADDRESS (AS SHOWN ON COMPANY W-9) _______________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP _______________________________________________________ WHO DID YOU WORK WITH FROM FOCUS ON ENERGY? (CONTACT NAME) section 2 JOB SITE INFORMATION (Refer to your utility bills for account numbers below.) _______________________________________________________ JOB SITE BUSINESS NAME _______________________________________________________ ELECTRIC UTILITY AT JOB SITE ELECTRIC ACCOUNT # _______________________________________________________ GAS UTILITY AT JOB SITE GAS ACCOUNT # q JOB SITE ADDRESS IS SAME AS LEGAL ADDRESS q JOB SITE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT (COMPLETE BELOW) _______________________________________________________ JOB SITE ADDRESS _______________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP section 3 CUSTOMER CONTACT INFORMATION _______________________________________________________ JOB SITE CUSTOMER CONTACT NAME _______________________________________________________ PRIMARY PHONE # EMAIL ADDRESS q I opt in to receive program updates via text message. Preferred method of contact: q Call q Email q Text If Focus on Energy has a question about this application, we should contact: q Customer q Trade Ally q Other_________________


_______________________________________________________ TRADE ALLY CONTACT NAME _______________________________________________________ PRIMARY PHONE # EMAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________________________ TRADE ALLY COMPANY NAME _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP section 5 PAYMENT INFORMATION Payee is responsible for any associated tax consequences. Make incentive check payable to: q Customer q Trade Ally q Other Payee If Other Payee is selected, the relationship to the utility account holder must be identified below: q Tenant q Building Owner q Other (specify) __________________ _______________________________________________________ ATTENTION TO (OPTIONAL) For All Payees Mail check to: q Customer Legal Address q Job Site Address q Trade Ally Address q Alternate Address _______________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS (AS SHOWN ON COMPANY W-9) _______________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP For Trade Ally and Other Payees Trade Allies must be registered with the Program and have a current W-9 on file to receive payment. Tax Identification Number (Check one) q FEIN or q SSN If you use a Social Security Number (SSN) as your Tax Identification Number, do not provide it below . You will be contacted by the Program via email to provide a copy of your W-9 using a secure online portal, if it is not already on file. You must list an email address below. _______________________________________________________ FEIN Tax Classification of Payee (Check one. Required for all businesses, including nonprofits.) q Sole Proprietorship q Individual q Single-Member LLC q C Corporation q S Corporation q Partnership q LLC - C Corp q LLC - S Corp q LLC - Partnership q Other ____________________________ Payee Contact Information _______________________________________________________ NAME EMAIL ADDRESS



section 6 BUSINESS PROPERTY TYPE Select one (1) property type that best describes your business: ‰ Multifamily

‰ Other: _____________________________

Visit focusonenergy.com/business/custom-incentives to apply for other business custom project incentives.

section 7 PROJECT BACKGROUND INFORMATION Which statement best describes the status of your project (select one): ‰ Considering project ‰ Assessing feasibility ‰ Getting vendor bids and/or savings estimates ‰ Received management approval ‰ Purchased equipment ‰ Started installation

Tell us how Focus on Energy can help you: ‰ Exploring options ‰ Assurance of the technical feasibility of the technology ‰ Verifying vendor savings estimates ‰ Showing the value to management ‰ Incentive to help reduce initial cost and/or trim payback ‰ Other: _____________________________

Tell us why you are pursuing this project: ‰ Enhance owner/tenant comfort ‰ Reduce maintenance costs ‰ Replace worn out equipment ‰ Reduce energy costs ‰ Achieve company goal or mandate ‰ Other: _____________________________


PROJECT START DATE ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE I certify no purchase orders, equipment purchases, or contracted labor have been initiated for this project Yes q Itemized proposal attached Yes q Specification sheet(s) attached Yes q Information on existing equipment (make, model, etc.), system operation, and building operation attached Yes q Brief Project Description

section 9 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE I, the Customer, attest that I am the ratepayer (utility account holder) for the site(s) listed in Section 2. If applicable, I assign the right to participate in and receive incentives from the Focus on Energy Program to the Other Payee identified in Section 5.




DATE Submit applications and supporting documentation to: MAIL: Focus on Energy 3113 West Beltline Highway Suite 201 Madison, WI 53713 EMAIL: multifamily@focusonenergy.com



Before you start your project, please make sure you are familiar with participation requirements, program information, and Terms and Conditions.

INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS General Terms and Conditions Review the Focus on Energy Terms and Conditions at focusonenergy.com/terms or call 800.762.7077 to request a copy. Incentive Limits Incentives are limited to $300,000 per project and $400,000 per customer per calendar year for all Focus on Energy incentives (prescriptive and custom). Depending on your business tax classification, you may receive IRS form 1099 for incentives received in a calendar year. Trade Ally Information A Trade Ally represents the company who provided/installed the equipment for a project or performed the service for which a customer is seeking an incentive. Trade Allies who have signed an agreement with Focus on Energy are allowed to enjoy certain program benefits, one of which is to receive direct payment of incentives at the Trade Ally’s request. Incentives can only be paid directly to a registered Trade Ally who has a W-9 on file with Focus on Energy. For more information on becoming a registered Trade Ally, visit focusonenergy.com/tradeally . The Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and Business Classification of the Trade Ally is required IF you received your incentive as a credit on your invoice, whereby the incentive is paid directly to the Trade Ally. In this scenario, the credit must be clearly labeled as the Focus on Energy incentive and deducted from the Trade Ally’s invoice to the Focus on Energy customer.

If your project was completed by more than one Trade Ally (example, equipment was purchased from one Trade Ally but installed by another Trade Ally) and the incentive is being paid to you the customer, enter the information of the Trade Ally who installed your equipment in Section 4: Trade Ally Information. If the equipment was self-installed, enter the information of the Trade Ally from whom you purchased the equipment. Assignment of Incentives to Other Payee The Customer for the project site listed on the application may assign their right to participate and receive incentives to Other Payee. The Customer must sign Section 9 and identify the Other Payee in Section 5. Eligible Project Costs Eligible project costs generally include all purchased or contracted equipment, materials, and labor required for installation and startup of the proposed energy efficiency project. Costs associated with a customer’s use of their internal labor, or previously owned equipment or materials obtained from a customer’s inventory, are not eligible.

ABOUT FOCUS ON ENERGY Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources, and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not get completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment, and control the state’s growing demand for electricity and natural gas.


For more information, call 800.762.7077 or visit focusonenergy.com

REDUCING ENERGY WASTE ACROSS WISCONSIN Incentives are subject to change and cannot exceed project costs. Focus on Energy, Wisconsin utilities’ statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, helps eligible residents and businesses save energy and money while protecting the environment. Focus on Energy information, resources, and financial incentives help to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that otherwise would not be completed. ©2025 Wisconsin Focus on Energy 067-0144-12-00

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